Wednesday, January 23, 2008




I am still working to get recipes from Famous places and people from Kentucky.

Did you know D. W. Griffith is from Oldham County Kentucky and is buried there at the local Methodist Church. I was trying to find a relative of D.W. Griffith. I received an e-mail from Nancy Theiss of the Oldham County Historical Society with contact information for his nephew. They also sent me a recipe and the following information...

"We did have a recipe from another one of our famous citizen's which is author Annie Fellows Johnston who wrote the children's stories, The Little Colonel series. This is the same storyline developed in the Little Colonel movie starring Shirley Temple.

Mrs. Joy's Jelly cookies are taken from The Little Colonel in the part where servant Mom Beck made Mrs. Joy's jelly cookies for a Saturday picnic for the Little Colonel and her friends."

I knew Shirley was in the original "Seabiscuit" movie, but I did not realize The Little Colonel also had a Kentucky connection. I would love to have arecipe from her as well! JUST WISHING!

Remember If you have a resturant Or a Tourist attraction in Kentucky an would like to be included in this Cookbook please send it to:

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