Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Jeri Ryan and Market House Theatre
CONGRADULATIONS to Paducah, Kentucky native Jeri Ryan and her husband Christophe Eme on the birth of their daughter, Baby Gisele weighing 7lbs. and 13oz.
“She is absolutely beautiful and an angel she is!” according to her father.
Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine on Star Trek Voyager, Ronnie Cook on Boston Public, and Jessica Devlin on Sharks) is from Paducah, Kentucky and started her career at a local community theatre. Market House Theatre was started in 1964. In the 1980’s The "Footlights at Market House Theatre" program for children was developed and regular classes were added. Jeri started in the Footlights program. She played Show White in “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.
From 1990 to 2000, the theatre has seen phenomenal growth. It has become a regional theatre drawing audiences from Western Kentucky, Southern Illinois, Southeastern Missouri and Western Tennessee. Market House Theatre has won national recognition with awards at every state competition it has entered.
Located in the historic Market House Building, the theatre has also been a centerpiece of historic restoration in downtown Paducah.
My Kentucky Celebrity Cookbook has had 2 wonderful contributions this month. I received a recipe for Lamb from Jeri and her husband Christophe Eme. They own the Ortolan Restaurant located at 8338 W. 3rd Street in Los Angeles, CA.
I also received a recipe from Mary Margaret Hoffman. Mary Margaret has been a volunteer for nearly 40 years at Market House. She is now in her 80’s, but still tries to do one play a year. Mary Margaret was the Executive Secretary for McCracken County Judge Raymond Schulz and volunteered with the little theatre just because she loved it.
Many young people who hoped to get a start in the theatre have worked with her over the years. She played Jeri Ryan’s grandmother in a play in the 1980’s when Jeri was 12 years old.
I am still hoping to get a recipe from April Cochran who is the founder of FOOTLIGHTS programs. April is the Education Director for the Theatre, as well as having served as president of the Kentucky Theatre Association, and board member of the American Association of Community Theatre. She is an extremely busy and talented woman. I hope she will find the time to work my cookbook into her schedule.
I also received a recipe this week from another Kentucky Theatre. Actors Theatre of Louisville and The Stephen Foster Outdoor Drama has promised to send a recipe next week.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Daniel Boone was one of the first settlers to come through the Cumberland Gap along the Wilderness Road and into Kentucky.
Naturally, I wanted a recipe with a connection to him for my Kentucky Celebrity Cookbook. I have had some interesting results.
I received a recipe from Kentucky artist Mabel Davidson who is a descendent of one of the men who blazed the Wilderness Road with Daniel Boone. She was born in a renovated log structure once used as a stagecoach inn on the trail. As an artist, her work depicts a bit of Kentucky’s Appalachian Mountain Culture and her ancestral history. Originals, limited edition prints, mini prints, and note cards can be found at her studio.
Some have called actor Fess Parker of Santa Barbara, California an American icon. His portrayal of Kentucky frontiersmen Daniel Boone influenced millions of young viewers in the late 1950's and 60's. In 1964, Parker began filming his network television series, Daniel Boone. During six years as one of the highest rated shows of its time, Parker not only starred in the series but also co-produced it and directed five of its most popular episodes.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Mollie Sims/ W. Earl Brown
One of my favorite things to do is attend local auctions in this area where I also live. These are not fancy auctions. Just a mixture of everything you might find in a local estate.
This is also a favorite past time for Mollie’s mother. When I started working on the cookbook, I told her about what I was doing and that I would love to have a recipe from Mollie.
The following July 4th weekend Mollie was home for the holidays and came with her mother to one of Harris Real Estate and Household Auctions. Now you have to remember we live in a rural area and everyone knows Mollie so this was not unusual. She told me her favorite recipe was either her mother’s Red Velvet Cake or Spinach Quiche. She finally decided to go with the Red Velvet Cake, because it was the easiest recipe for her mom to remember.
As I have sent out request for additional recipes from various celebrities, authors, politicians, and places in Kentucky, I have sited examples of recipes I already have including Mollies.
About a month ago, I received and e-mail from W. Earl Brown who played Dan Dority on Deadwood.
He said, “I'll have to give some thought as to what I want to include, since Molly has already jumped on the Red Velvet cake (that is my killer-recipe-of-my-mom's that I use whenever the event calls for something special).
As it turns out Earl, his wife, and Mollie went to college together at Murray State University.
Well, I saw Mollie's mom this weekend at a local auction and told her what Earl had said.
She thought it was funny. Mollie’s mother e-mailed me the Spinach Quiche recipe this morning. I really appreciate both Mollie Sims and W. Earl Brown’s help with “The Kentucky Celebrity Cookbook.
I also received a recipe this morning from Oscar Winner William “Bub” Asman and his wife Jackie. Bub Asman has had 4 Oscar nominations and one win as Best Achievement in Sound Editing for: Letters from Iwo Jima (2006).
Monday, January 28, 2008
D.W. Griffith’s recipe has arrived!!! In my search for recipes from people and places with ties to Kentucky, I found the Official website for actor Shane Woodson. He is the son of playwright/novelist Joseph Woodson Oglesby. After contacting him, he and his father gave me permission to use the recipe from his father’s book “Dinner with D.W.Griffith.” It is GRANDMOTHER'S LEMON MERINGUE PIE. This is the pie Shane’s great-grandmother always made for her son the famous movie producer and director D.W. Griffith.
Shane Woodson was born and raised in Louisville, Ky. He has starred or co-starred in over 20 motion pictures. He has appeared on TV shows such as "Las Vegas,” "Passions,” "Numb3rs,” and "Heroes". He is most proud of his feature comedy "Cain and Abel", which he wrote, produced, directed, and stars in. "Cain and Abel" can be rented at select Blockbusters nationwide, as well as Blockbuster online & Netflix. For more information on Shane go to: www.shanewoodson.com
Joseph Woodson Oglesby was born and raised in Louisville, Ky. He is a playwright/novelist and journalist and was twice nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, most recently for his play "The Dodge.” His book "Dinner With D.W. Griffith" (Borgo press) can be purchased at Amazon.com.
Now I am trying to get a recipe from someone related or who was a close friend of Robert Penn Warren who is from Guthrie, Kentucky. He was the author of All the King's Men and Band of Angels. I have found a couple pf contacts for him and I am waiting somewhat impatiently.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Did you know D. W. Griffith is from Oldham County Kentucky and is buried there at the local Methodist Church. I was trying to find a relative of D.W. Griffith. I received an e-mail from Nancy Theiss of the Oldham County Historical Society with contact information for his nephew. They also sent me a recipe and the following information...
"We did have a recipe from another one of our famous citizen's which is author Annie Fellows Johnston who wrote the children's stories, The Little Colonel series. This is the same storyline developed in the Little Colonel movie starring Shirley Temple.
Mrs. Joy's Jelly cookies are taken from The Little Colonel in the part where servant Mom Beck made Mrs. Joy's jelly cookies for a Saturday picnic for the Little Colonel and her friends."
I knew Shirley was in the original "Seabiscuit" movie, but I did not realize The Little Colonel also had a Kentucky connection. I would love to have arecipe from her as well! JUST WISHING!
Remember If you have a resturant Or a Tourist attraction in Kentucky an would like to be included in this Cookbook please send it to:
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Kentucky has 2 National Parks. Mammoth Cave and Cumberland Gap and I have recipes from both of them!
Mammoth Cave is the world's longest cave system, with more than 365 miles explored. Early guide Stephen Bishop called the cave a grand, gloomy, and peculiar place," but its vast chambers and complex labyrinths have earned its name: Mammoth.
Cumberland Gap was the first great gateway to the west. The buffalo, the Native American, the long hunter, the pioneer... all traveled this route through the mountains into the wilderness of Kentucky.
Today’s adventurer can follow the footsteps of early travelers such as Daniel Boone along the Wilderness Road, experience the stories of the pioneer, the Civil War soldier, and the traveler through the only natural opening in the Appalachian Mountain Range.
Speaking of Daniel Boone. I also have a recipe from Fess Parker, television’s Daniel Boone and a recipe from a descendent of Daniel Boone. More on that in the next blog.
Send recipes to: whinneryw@bellsouth.net
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
What does the Tennessee Waltz (Tennessee’s Official State Song) have to do with my Kentucky Celebrity Cookbook? It was written by Redd Stewart who was raised in Louisville Kentucky
Redd Stewart was inducted into the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame, 1970
Friday, January 4, 2008
They both have ties to Kentucky and I have a recipe from one of them! This is what makes Kentucky so special. All the wonderful people and places that can be found in the Bluegrass State.
Lily Tomlin and Charles Dickens not only have ties to Kentucky, but to extreme Western Kentucky (Ballard County). Charles Dickens purchased land in Ballard County, while still living in London, England in the 1800’s. He came to America to see his land and eventually wrote “American Notes” in 1865 discussing his trip. Lily Tomlin sent me a recipe for the cookbook. She was born in Michigan, but stayed with her grandmother during the summers in Ballard County. She still has relatives that live there. I also have a recipe from Wickliffe Mounds and Research Center and a museum (Barlow House) that was the home of Vivian Barlow. He was the music teacher at a private school in New England and taught the John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. All of this is what makes Kentucky so great!
Ballard County is located where the Ohio River and Mississippi River join. Hunting is a major part of their economy. I would love to get more recipes from their hunting lodges, restaurants, businesses and recipes similar to these from all over Kentucky.
Check back again and I will have information on other celebrities that have sent recipes.
Hal Riddle (Actor) born 1917 in Fulton, Kentucky
Living in the Motion Picture & Television Fund Country House, Woodland Hills, California
Tom Kennedy (Game Show Host) Born in Louisville, Kentucky
Robert Penn Warren (Author) Born in 1905 in Guthrie, Kentucky
(Deceased) Would like recipe from relative or close associate Kentucky
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Celebrity Cookbook
CELEBRITY COOKBOOKS is a project to obtain recipes from people who make a state (example Kentucky) the great place it is. The cookbooks will be used as a fundraiser for non-profit organizations.We have been concentrating on Kentucky. However the response has been so positive that we want to expand it to other states.
Each cookbook will feature recipes from celebrities, but also we want recipes from others as well. (see the letter below for examples). If you can help with this worthwhile project it would be greatly appreciated.
As we get new recipes we will provide information at this site about the people and places.Often the stories behind the wonderful individuals who have graciously contributed to this project is just as interesting as the actual recipes.
However, we will not post the recipes as we want to save them for the cookbook publication.
If you are someone you know would like to help by sending a recipe and don't forget to include information about yourself, career, business, and why it is your favorite recipe.
Sample Letter
I am in the process of developing a cookbook celebrating Kentucky and its celebrities. The purpose of this project is a charitable fundraiser and will be sold through and for non-profit organizations. However I am not asking for a monetary donation and there is no charge to you for participating. In addition to being a charitable fundraiser the purpose is also to publicize and promote Kentucky tourism, business, universities, industry, government leaders, and most of all the celebrities such as Actresses, Actors, Professional Sports, Musician, Authors, who were born, lived, or have ties to Kentucky.
We have over 175 recipes and hope to have an additional 50 in time for publication. Some examples of recipes we have are:
Pat Banks (Water Color Artist) Curried Seafood Salad
Vice President Alben Barkley Kentucky Spoon Bread
(Submitted by his Granddaughter)
Miley and Billy Ray Cyrus (TV Hannah Montana) Secret Recipe
Dippin Dot Ice Cream (CEO Curt Jones) Floating Fruit Cobbler
Tom T. Hall (Country Singer) Sausage Casserole
Naomi Judd (Country Singer) Cheese Wafers
Senator Mitch McConnell Senate Bean Soup
Patti’s 1880’s (Restaurant) Sawdust Pie
Mollie Sims (TV Las Vegas) Red Velvet Cake
Weller Haus (Bed & Breakfast) Pineapple Walnut Cake
White Hall (Historic Home) White Hall Biscuits
I would be grateful if you could send me your favorite recipe and a brief statement about why you like it (did your mother, spouse, or another relative make it something special). If you love to cook tell why this is your favorite recipe.
The recipes will be listed in alphabetical order by the name of the business, organization, or the individual’s last name as shown above. Thank you so much for helping me with this project. Again, there is no charge for this. I just want people to know about the wonderful state of Kentucky. If you could send the recipe within 30 days, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Pam Whinnery
P.S. Please consider participating in this project as it would be good publicity for your business and would help numerous worthwhile organizations.
Don't forget to bookmark this page and checkback often to see and hear about the most current searches for recipes and those who are contributing.
Thanks! Pam Whinnery